
New eBooks

Publications Available

1 new eBook is now available from STARR Software! This brings our total to 9 eBooks ready to help you learn all about PeopleSoft.
  • How to create a Simple PeopleSoft XML Message in 10 easy steps
  • Developing PeopleSoft Applications with PeopleTools 8.1 new PDF
  • Developing with PeopleSofts Application Engine 8
  • Advanced Tips and Tricks for PeopleSoft Application Engine
  • PeopleSoft 8.4 Cheat Sheets (all seven of them)
  • PeopleSoft Training ebooks (five of them)
  • !New Proper Use of Effective Dating ebook
  • !New How to Create a Job Set Dynamically ebook
  • !New How to create a sequence number using set processing within PeopleSoft's Application Engine ebook

STARR Software's cheat sheets have been a big hit! And now they are updated to version 8.4. A new color scheme for easier reading has also been applied as well as more and better information. These cheat sheets are not just a publication but are used by the authors in real consulting engagements. For more Information check out all of the cheat sheets in the Publications Section.

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